The Car Wash

Sunday, September 21, 2020

Dear Marion,                                                           

The car wash as a kid more often than not meant a hot day with a bucket of soapy water and the threat of a water fight with the black rubber hose standing by on our steep driveway. That asphalt driveway mixed with soapy water and it’s incline meant more unintentional slip and slide experiences than I care to remember. At some point, either you or dad splurged on a trip to the car wash and I was mesmerized by the larger than life brushes swooshing soap around the windows. As a kid who scared easily, it was also a little unnerving but thrilling nevertheless.

Jumping forward to my children’s experience where we got out of the car and let the operating machine take it through the wash cycle. They loved to watch through the cut out window… it was one of the few things that held their attention for any great length of time. On occasion, we also tried staying in the car as it passed through the wash cycle. I think we even sang, at the top of our lungs, the disco song from 1976 “Car Wash” by Rose Royce. They shrieked thinking what if their dad suddenly opened the window which he jokingly threatened...honestly even I thought he might ‘just for laughs’. Pure joy and entertainment for any age and apparently any decade. 

As I went through the car wash recently on my own, I thought what a creative design the car wash is and that it works diligently and reliably. It is so satisfying to know I will drive out of the lot, mission accomplished and proud of the sparkle (much like when I get a haircut). In addition, I have more often than not experienced friendly people taking pride in their work while giving the gleam back to their customers' cars. There have been times when I am embarrassed to ask for the extra vacuum thinking about how gross under the seat gets...but I request it anyway and always feel thankful I did. One thing dad always stressed to us growing up, no matter what Job you have at any point in your life, take pride in it and do your very best. This doesn’t get lost on me and I feel it at the car wash. My kids used to love to go to the one that had funny birthday cards and a snack machine. I (like you) almost always said no, but it didn’t stop them from trying.

A delicious and fun treat you made for us when we were growing up is still one of my favorites. It is the perfect amount of sweet and it is festive and fun. The Jack-O’-Lantern cookie is a sandwich style cookie in a pumpkin shape with cut out eyes, nose, and mouth allowing chocolate Hershey bar to smoosh through the holes. The cookie is not too sweet and that allows the sweet of marshmallow and chocolate to balance flavor. Just be careful eating in the car.

This time of year brings about discussions of politics with the election right around the corner. Some of the discussions I have been a part of or heard snippets of make me feel a bit like the receiving end of that washing brush filled with soap from the car wash. Multiple brushes swirling around my head just as it did my windshield. As much as I have chosen my candidate and pray every night that he wins, I still feel voting is crucial no matter whom each individual chooses on their ballot. We have had many discussions over the numerous candidates in my lifetime and as riled up as I can get (and have gotten) I still believe it is most important that everyone votes and has the honor of choosing their candidate. Don’t get me wrong I want my candidate to win but I want the privilege of democracy to remain strong and we cannot take it for granted...ever. Whomever wins, they need to bring all Americans together and lead all citizens forward into the next four years. 

A few days ago Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) died at the age of 87. I find her fascinating for many of the obvious reasons, however what struck me once again was her friendship with Justice Antonin Scalia(died in 2016). They had a unique friendship and respect for one another even though she was liberal and he a conservative. This may be Pollyanna of me but I truly believe we are a better nation because we all have a different stance on life and politics. Collectively, equally, and respectfully we all need to come together and sometimes compromise. Once we elect our president this November, that person and our elected officials need to work together so that we may all move forward and heal. As much as I love to win, I don’t see compromise as a weakness, moreover a strength that could make us a more united nation. These two Supreme Court Justices were able to convey to the world and more specifically our young people how friendships can be formed and long lasting even when you have a strong difference of opinion through kindness and respect. When our children were young their report card was divided into two categories: one for academics (A,B,C,D) and one for character(1-4). Fortunately, as parents we both agreed the character  portion better be a 3 or 4. Academics are important and we stressed to do their best but character was non negotiable. We did our best to express that none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes but do your best to pursue ‘The Golden Rule’.

Talk soon,
Forever Yours


“To make life a little better for people less fortunate than you, that’s what I think a meaningful life is. One lives not just for oneself but for one’s community.”

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States