The Shoes

Friday-June 18, 2021

Dear Marion,

  The fish were jumping and rather dramatically this morning almost leaping out of the water. A ripple caught my eye as it formed around this active fish and kept swirling wider and wider across the lake. This moment pulled me into the active ripples just as I often see in our lives whether on the news, in our local community, and even in our family. The simple gestures we make: a smile to an older woman walking her dog, hello from the couple passing at the bend in the path, a welcome to cross into another lane while exiting the gas station. All of these very easy decisions can change the course of someone’s day and they will very likely pass that consideration to someone they encounter. While I was pondering, a most delightful and heady smell made my mouth water, and there it was another fond and welcome memory. Honeysuckle. It was so strong that in a flash I remembered the surrounding woods of our home when I was in grade school where either you or dad taught me to pull the stem through on the flower and taste the honey. Years later, when my children were small, I taught them to do the same and they would squeal with delight. 

 Today was the last day of school for your granddaughter and just like that, it’s official that she is a senior and the last of your grandchildren to enjoy one more summer before choosing her next path. She’ll still need me but she will be making decisions that will be hers to make for her future. I will be standing there ready to listen much in the same way you did for me and hoping I gave her what she needs for this next lap of her journey.

 I walked through our living room which often contains a myriad of shoes and sneakers randomly stepped out of and abandoned(I myself am often guilty of this habit), but on this particular day, there was one pair left by the bench and it made quite a sight for my eyes. Size 12 or 13 black, men’s, leather-soled, dress shoes that have taken many trips to the craftsman, our local Shoe Cobbler. The art of designing and making a pair of shoes ranks high in my mind of appreciation. There is nothing like taking care of your feet and when they are a good pair they are an investment and worth repairing. This pair of shoes reminded me of dad as they are classic and timeless and could quite frankly represent decades of men going to work, Sunday church or other worship services, special occasions, etc. These shoes remind me of the hard-working dads I have encountered in my life. They are certainly not perfect(who of us is) but they are very often worth keeping(I can hear you chuckling) and lovingly and fondly taking care of much in the way we entrust our local Cobbler to do for these well-worn soles. As dad said many times it’s all in the foundation. If you have a solid foundation, it is worth fixing. (Of course, when I prepared to purchase my first house, the engineer returned a study on why my foundation needed to be replaced but that’s another story.) Father’s Day is this Sunday and we will most likely take on the task of grilling- another summer pastime that will surely please the dad in this household. It will be the first time we are 3 as one of your grandchildren is flexing his wings and spending it with other responsibilities. We planned to travel so we could be together, but life is funny that way as you know and life got in the way. 

  I started reading a new book this past week in honor of Father’s Day and I am enjoying the different perspectives to Fatherhood and family with all of the good, the bad, and the ugly as they say. Craig Melvin wrote Pops Learning To Be A Son And A Father in a very clear and concise way while appreciating the difficult choices and circumstances that parents encounter throughout all of the stages of parenthood. As a grown child, I could relate to the reflection and coming to terms with ideas and judgments we had as a child and teen... oh how a few decades puts things in perspective. Well, that and much introspection. Reading is enjoyable for me because it transports me or teaches me and opens my eyes to another perspective and this book has accomplished that with a foundation of love.

   Documents for a new Federal Holiday were signed earlier this week by President Biden, Juneteenth, it is the day(tomorrow) that put an end to slavery in this country and now it will be honored and acknowledged in an official capacity. This is but one action that will lead to many others and continue with a ripple effect to move in a direction of much listening, much more understanding, and hopefully eventual healing. This holiday and acknowledgment of freedom will be celebrated and honored the same way we have been celebrating the Fourth of July. What is exciting to me is as generations move forward, we will eventually all celebrate together- there is hope in the ripple effect.

 This week with all of our projects formulating and busy schedules underway, we took some inspiration and advice from a friend to build our energy through food and continued exercise. That being said, we tried her recipe for Protein/Energy Balls. The recipe was easy and they are a nice way to energize up without the crash of sugar (ie. cookies, etc) that we so often grab in between errands and responsibilities. As recommended, take two to go and eat when you need a boost. They are quite tasty too!

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“To be the father of a nation is a great honor, but to be the father of a family is a greater joy.”

Nelson Mandela


President of South Africa 1994-1999

Anti-Apartheid revolutionary, Philanthropist


“My father taught me to work hard, laugh often, and keep my word.”

Michelle Obama

Born January 17, 1964

American Attorney, Author,

 First Lady of the United States 2009-2017