Road Trip

Saturday-July 3, 2021

Dear Marion,

  This is the perfect time to write as it is quite literally the dawn of the holiday weekend and everyone is still sleeping. The river is quiet but for a few fishermen taking their boats out for the day, sipping their coffee and I suspect happy to be avoiding the holiday beach traffic. Although it is raining lightly and supposed to be for most of today, the birds seem to be very happy and the weather is reporting it will be sunny for the next few days with our first tropical storm threatening later in the week. We are planning a few short trips ourselves this Summer break and I am making lists as you did and trying not to forget the most important thing that we are taking good care of one another and filling our souls with worthy memories.

  It’s only been two weeks since the school term ended but we have been taking stock around our home deciding what needs to be tended to both home and away. One nice, fairly cool day just before this last week’s heatwave we tackled our two tried and true rocking chairs and mailbox. As you know, the wear and tear of our outdoor props is the downside and constant issue of living near the river and ocean. The two rocking chairs are the only items on our porch that have survived these past few decades but they were in serious need of some TLC. As you know, I love our local hardware store and don’t really need much of an excuse to frequent for a variety of reasons including their advice and helpful products. We wanted a quick and ‘good enough’ solution to our sad-looking chairs so that we may continue to enjoy them while taking in our view and a good conversation. I didn’t want to sand too much as this is the third time we are tackling plus the character of the chairs added to the texture. We chose Glossy Black paint(originally they were a matte Forest Green) because I liked the way the paint highlighted the previous layer of paint and gave low lights to the parts that had peeled (we softened edges with sandpaper). The paint protects the item but also spruces up the space and makes me smile.

  This summer is a special time to spend with your granddaughter and show her what could be a part of her future as we are researching and looking at colleges. A great excuse for The Road Trip and all that it has to offer parts practical, educational, and nostalgic. We took our first quick trip a few weeks ago, not a terribly long drive and one that gave us a very different view than the one we are so used to seeing. The last part of the drive is my favorite visually as we take in the rolling green landscape dotted with the farms of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Central Market is a focal point for the community and one that we thoroughly enjoy especially on a Saturday morning. The farm-fresh vegetables, fruits, cheese, baked goods, smoothies, and multiple Culinary delights fill the space, my senses, and my soul. I love the building and its bare-bones but add to it the full array of color from all of the produce and the rush of the crowd, some of whom like us find this unexpectedly exciting as well as those who’ve grown accustomed to their weekly errands to fill their kitchen and table. 

  We are lucky to have our good friends take us to some of the highlights of the city, especially if you enjoy cooking and food in general. The local Italian cafe, La Dolce Vita pushed my senses to overload with their cannolis, tiramisu, fruit with custard tarts to name but a few all supported with the aromatic scent of espresso and other coffee delights. Boxed, bagged, a little tasting, and onto the next market Mandros Grocery where we indulged in specialty cheeses and olive oil surprisingly not found earlier at Market. An aged cheddar wheel of cheese pointed out proved to be otherworldly and not soon forgotten. A special surprise for me, your granddaughter pointed out the delightful Norwegian cheese that was ever-present in our home. Gjetost (the brown cheese usually made with goat’s milk) that makes my day, sliced thin on its own or atop a Kavli or Wasa cracker and maybe some homemade blueberry preserves sandwiched in between. I bought two packages.

  Much to my delight, we enjoyed a dinner prepared on the grill including our purchases from the day but only after a cool glass of homemade iced tea, a wedge of cheese with grapes, and a selection of crackers. With our feet propped up on a chaise surrounded by the view of a well-designed garden and a golf course butted up against their property. The sun setting, I thought what could be better than this moment. A request from your granddaughter brought the stone fire pit to life and a bag of the largest marshmallows I’ve ever seen helped create the s’mores that we all love topping off the night. First Road Trip of the season - check.

Happy Fourth of July!

Talk Soon,

Forever Yours

Oh…One MoreThing…I have just started reading Lake Of The Ozarks by, Bill Geist and it is said to be nostalgic, full of humor, and a great escape for Summer.


“The way I see it, if you want the rainbows, you gotta put up with the rain.”

Dolly Parton

American singer-songwriter, actress, author, businesswoman, humanitarian

Born 1946