Playful Discoveries

Saturday- November 27, 2021

Dear Marion,

 This Thanksgiving weekend was a mixed bag of experiences just like most holidays where we are trying to squeeze in something to please each of us and still have time to relax together and feel grateful. Food was our centerpiece and I loved enjoying the flavors, aroma, and laughs in between. We all came together for dinner but we each had time to do something on our own and for your granddaughter and I that meant squeezing in a movie. Encanto was the movie of choice- beautifully animated and recently delivered through Disney. The music and colors were engaging and kept us dancing in our seats but the story was the real heart-wrenching achievement. We talked about the inner meaning of the movie the whole drive home. Your granddaughter and I are decades apart, we may have been using different language to explain what we were feeling but in the end, we came to the same conclusion. Love can heal all if we are open to it and fear can tear things apart and often does. Without giving too much away, it was interesting to see how much the younger generation can learn from their elders and how much the elders can and should learn from the younger generation.

 I was listening to a lecture and the main point of the delivery was the idea that it is ok to not know what is next. Actually, very often letting go and accepting that you don’t know what is next can lead you to something unexpectedly good. This idea struck a chord in me as we enjoyed one of your grandchildren coming home from college for the weekend, while another grandchild was encouraged to finish their college applications. It is all about letting go and being open to the possibilities that will unfold(for all of us). While that all sounds so exciting, fresh, and new, in reality, it can also be unnerving. My response to that is to want to hold tightly and find control but this is the time for the exact opposite response. 

 Walking through the rain just before the holiday I discovered piles of leaves that were the result of the uncontrollable winds and rain. Oh, how we used to love to jump in those piles after hours of raking in the backyard when I was young. We may not have had a yard with trees but we still found a way to give that adventure to my children- many times in your yard. There is something so exhilarating about running and jumping into a pile of leaves …at any age. The past few seasons found me walking down many a path and often discovering a smattering of those seeds/leaves that we used to call helicopters. We used to love to collect the helicopters in a bucket and bring them to the second floor of our childhood home. They would naturally turn brown, break apart in half making them ready for flight, twirling through the wind until hitting their landing on the lawn…and then we’d collect and begin again. Each helicopter starts out green, attached to another, often hanging in groups together, evolves into a brown shade, and then breaks apart and twirls in the wind to start anew. Often, we also have to fly alone to grow, trusting when there is uncertainty that we will twirl into something that will evolve into our next stage. By the way, as you taught me, those new stages just keep coming as long as you are breathing regardless of your age.

 Thinking about change, I believe our style can also grow and shift, hopefully evolving as we grow (and twirl in the wind). I recently stepped out for a few errands and a hair appointment, but not before hearing, “ you’re not going out dressed like that are you?” Now that’s a switch, the teenager scoping out their parent and trying to shame them into doing what they want without actually saying it directly. My response- “Yes”. I like mixing tailored with comfortable in whatever that means for the moment and occasion. In this case, it was the socks that were objected to. I love socks and always have them on hand depending on the season. They can add a pop of color, a bit of whimsy, warmth, or cozy like a hug. I have favorites for different temperatures and seasons and probably most importantly for the well-being of my feet. My feet have given me discomfort since I was a child but they have also taken me to great places and served me well. I want to take care of them so after a long day, I often want to squirm into a soft, thick & fluffy, cozy pair. Recently, someone asked me for a Christmas gift suggestion for a family member and I said a good pair of socks. The response- ‘no way, she would kick me to the can’. I get it, but often we won’t spend for ourselves, especially on a good pair of socks and we deserve it. Take care of those feet, and they will take care of us!

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“Whether we are talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down.”

Warren Buffet

Born: August 30, 1930

American Businessman, Investor, Philanthropist

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