Dear Marion...Forever Yours

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Saturday- February 26, 2022

Saturday- March 11, 2022

Dear Marion,

  Sometimes it’s just so hard to see the forest for the trees. I can hear you laughing even as I write this to you. While I attribute this quote to you it’s actually, “can’t see the forest for the trees,” written by John Haywood in 1546. There’s something comforting in knowing this quote was written hundreds of years ago and yet applicable and repeated to me countless times in my lifetime. I’ve also used it to make a point whether at work, teaching my children, or simply to remind myself to look at a situation from a different perspective. As you and dad would often and gently remind, we are not alone in deciphering complicated times. This quote written 476 years ago stands the test of time giving us an explanation for times when I/we may have difficulty explaining or understanding what is happening. A clear picture helps in Making decisions, knowing when to let things slide, how to make sense of a big moment. I took a photograph of footprints leading down our back stairs and I thought for a moment what a beautiful pattern. My next thought lead me on a path of direction. This interesting pattern captured up close gives a very different picture when taken out of context. Taking a step back helps define what is really happening- footprints leading in a direction of a particular task. Zooming in and catching a glimpse gives us a beautiful design and sometimes a fresh perspective.

  The peaceful games of the Beijing Winter Olympics have closed and passed the torch to Italy. There was a sense of wonder and admiration that kept me tuning in for moments here and there over the weeks of competition. While I ultimately rooted for USA, I found myself caught up in the stories and talent of competitors from other nations. The overall sportsmanship and passion displayed between teams was exciting but also an escape from the current politics. 

  Another escape for me, during the last snowstorm, a book by Louise Penny as I was wanting to read a mystery. The most recent two books she had written were so enjoyable, I thought let me see where and how the lead character Chief Inspector Gamache stepped into her pages. “Still Life” gave me a full picture of Three Pines and its community as Chief Inspector Gamache first arrived to decipher the death of one of their own. Even with the drama of one of their community appearing to be a murderer, there is a description of this town and its landscape that inspires and comforts to know that it exists if only on the pages of the Chief Inspector Gamache series (and the minds of its readers). Of course, moving forward, I will be reading and following Chief Inspector Armand Gamache’s footprints through Louise Penny’s written pages that I have yet to read.

  Since I last sat down to write, the Paralympics have taken place (ending this weekend) giving me inspiration and admiration for the athletes who have trained intensely for this moment of competition. The peaceful pause in Europe has ended and we are watching in horror what we had hoped would not come to pass. Ukraine and the people that call it home have been given the most difficult decision amongst many to stand, fight, and protect their homes or to leave with their children to find a safe haven. An impossible and heartbreaking moment with very little time to make a life altering decision as to which path to take and how to follow. I watch and admire those who stand tall and are fighting for their freedom with everything they have but I equally admire those who have left their homes with their children and families to protect and care for their safety not knowing where they will land. They may be afraid but they are forging ahead as  the definition of Brave.

 I asked your granddaughter what footprints brought to mind and she said family, where have they been, and where am I going. That sounded perfect to me. I don’t have any answers other than to live each day with hope, love, and gratitude. Where and when possible to give kindness, a moment to consider that person’s footprints, and a helping hand to reach the next path. One more thought …always fight for what you believe and the freedom to express and embrace your beliefs.

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“To see a friend no road is too long”

Ukrainian Proverb