Dear Marion...Forever Yours

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Frosting on the Surface

Saturday- February 5, 2022

Dear Marion,

  This week's weather captivated me with the beauty of extreme change in temperatures resulting in snow, ice, slush, and frost. Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog hailing from Pennsylvania, Charles G. Hogg(Staten Island groundhog), and Milltown Mel of New Jersey(who recently passed) had their work cut out for them this year. Spring seems so far away when you are shoveling snow and the thermometer is hovering in the teens. Since we live along the coast, we have adjusted to the ever changing climate and mood swinging winds however the days that bring extreme change in temperature can be difficult to navigate. The upside, I witnessed some beautiful ice images and textures on the water's surface. The residual snowfall melted and glided along the surface of ice like a paintbrush on a canvas. Even the geese seem to have chosen to avoid smudging the ice surface. 

 After a walk in the early morning sleet and rain,I hunkered down in front of the fire and finally turned the pages of a book recommended to me written by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray titled the Personal Librarian. It is a page turner and one that not only whisks me to another period in history but introduces me to the immense responsibility the lead character Belle must endure every moment of every day. She is  a woman with a keen eye, gifted mind for art and the written word and its’ history, love of family, and the ability to live with a secret. Her secret? The decision her mother made for her as well as her other siblings to live a life ‘passing’ as white in a world of segregation. While her skin is not as light as most of her siblings, she needs to be ever present to whom she surrounds herself so as to not suggest questions from those who could unleash her family history. Belle is a woman who cannot afford a mistake or be less than the best if she wants to continue to help her family survive in a city that does not take kindly to those who were not born into the white race and certainly not to those who live a life of passing. A woman attaining an education, a career, standing in society without a husband in the early 1900’s is remarkable. In addition to embracing her gifts and constant hard work, Belle manages to spread a layer of frosting over the surface in order to attain her goals and to survive. I can’t wait to read where Belle will take me next.

  The opening to the Winter Olympics in Beijing also took place this week and I caught a bit of it but I am hoping to finish what I taped later today. Children’s faces filled the screen and warmed my heart with their beautiful voices while the creative storyline reminded me the athletes should be remembered as the focal point. The politics of our time are polarizing and disturbing at best. Unimaginable atrocities that have been described or glimpsed through the news are so hard to fathom in particular because I have had the fortunate position to grow up in a democratic society. One thing that the athletes of all nations participating have in common is how dedicated they and most likely their families have needed to be in order to achieve this moment. On our screens, we all witness the peak of their dedication to sport at these Olympics. Each athletes’ backstory is the years of hard work and sacrifice for this very moment in time. Their stories are as interesting to me as their achievements highlighted by the exciting and intense competition displayed before me on my screen.

  Last night for dinner your granddaughter experimented with a new recipe to accompany some flavorful Minestrone Soup…Garlic Knots. I remember how much she (truth be told all of us) used to love indulging whenever we enjoyed a meal at an Italian restaurant who served them. I think these were amongst the best I’ve had. Comfort food frosted with Olive oil and freshly chopped garlic…savory and memorable.

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“You know the best thing about competition? There’s this whole strategy game and when it all works out it’s like solving that hard math equation. You finally get the answer and you’re so happy.”

Shaun White

American Snowboarder, skate boarder, and musician

Born September 3, 1986