Dear Marion...Forever Yours

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Creating Space

Friday- April 16, 2021

Dear Marion,

  Well, this has been one of those weeks that I have felt like every time I tried to conquer my to-do list, I was pulled in another direction that took precedence over what I thought I needed. That should probably be the definition of being a parent or just an adult human. I can hear you smiling. I heard a statistic the other day that made my mind numb. It was the overwhelming number of deaths since January that involved gun violence. We have had multiple days of rain and living at the beach has been damp and quite frankly gloomy plus I had been battling the common cold. Due to the health crisis, I did pursue a COVID test which fortunately came back negative as the doctor predicted. I couldn’t help but dwell for a moment, is this what our new normal will include - jumping to the thought of a COVID test whenever we feel off? While April showers bring May flowers, I was starting to doubt we would be able to keep the flowers from floating away on Noah’s Ark. 

  Just as I was losing my faith in humanity and falling into a gloomy puddle, we had a day that gave us the opportunity to sit in the sun and soak up some Vitamin D. I was reminded how important it is for everyone to enjoy some space to share with someone or to enjoy on our own. Creating a Space for yourself can mean so many things: a literal, physical space or space that is set aside in your busy schedule for exercise, deep breathing(or reading), or even some space you carve out in your mind for ‘not thinking’. 

  This month, I discovered, is Stress Awareness Month and it is also the month to celebrate Earth Day. Easing our stress levels and nature seems to go hand in hand at least in my experience. We all have stress and each of us has different (and sometimes the same) stressors. The key is to learn how to acknowledge stress, we may not be able to control what happens in our daily lives but we can control how we respond to what stresses us. I took a few photos while I was sitting soaking up some sun of what was surrounding me. The backyard space was small, but the homeowners researched and decided what was important to them for their space and well-being. They worked hard(and still are) preparing their plot of land for some gardening, relaxing, and even included an area for outdoor dining. While this space in a city is pure gold, in a suburb might be considered inadequate. I have often thought about how funny it is that many of us base our success on how much space we have to share with others. Some creative thinking can transform the smallest of spaces into one that can achieve the greatest joy of all a place to clear your mind. 

  I was fortunate enough to spend some moments walking and appreciating nature this week squeezed in between raindrops. The Cherry Blossoms have been blooming and I don’t know if this was a truly new discovery for me or if I just wasn’t paying attention when you most likely pointed out during one of our walks and nature discoveries. There are Cherry Blossom trees and Weeping Cherry Blossom trees! You amongst many that I have met have often noted I am a purveyor of details(at times annoyingly so) regarding anything and everything. How did I miss the difference between the Cherry Blossom trees and the Weeping Cherry Blossom trees? They are so incredibly dramatic playing off of one another in the breeze like a well-choreographed ballet or a baseball team that plays completely in sync with one another as though they are connected with an invisible string. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t separate them because they work so well together. There is something so beautiful about a group working together- in nature or community.

  Another practice that we exercised this week was your encouragement to make Homemade Chicken Soup. At least three of us and possibly 4 have recently succumbed to the common cold and your soup has nourishing qualities that I simply don’t question...and fortunately neither do your grandchildren. We serve it with crackers, just as a broth, with homemade bread, noodles, or sometimes rice. I even make extra to put in the freezer for emergencies. We are forever grateful for this advice and recipe.

  I have always enjoyed a good quote or sharing of advice and there is a book I have been keeping on the nightstand that I read a bit of most days. This Just Speaks to Me by Hoda Kotb is her second book of this genre. There is always something that makes me stop and think for a moment propelling me forward with a brighter outlook.

Talk soon,

Forever Yours

Oh, …One More Thing…This time of year brings a change in nature and in our family often means colds and allergies. Sometimes we have both and sometimes simply allergies which also cause some dry or itchy patches of skin. We have tried prescriptions and when it’s bad it usually contains a steroid in the ointment. Advice from you often included lathering up with lotion and drinking lots of water. While you were right, a friend suggested trying jojoba oil a few years back and I speculatively gave it a chance. It has earned its spot on our shelf and we now have all benefited at one point or another. Jojoba oil is inexpensive and worthy of my praise. 


“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.”

Glenn Close

American Actress, Producer

Born 1947, Greenwich, Connecticut 

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