Dear Marion...Forever Yours

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A New Pretty

Thursday-March 18,2021

Dear Marion,

  Yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day and we enjoyed listening to Irish music, corned beef from a local Pub, wearing green, and watching the movie Luck of the Irish(a long-standing tradition). Unfortunately this morning we woke up to hear there were dramatic storms across the South including two dozen devastating tornadoes leaving many without a home. We have had rain off and on since early morning and will experience some change in temperature so I have noticed some fog setting in over the river. Curling up in front of the fire with a cup of tea is perfect on a day like today and I am grateful for this opportunity. With all of this extreme weather, it’s hard to believe the First day of Spring is this Saturday.

  Our garbage is picked up two times a week and recycling once a week by two gentlemen that are as punctual as my alarm clock. They are two of the kindest, most energized, caring people that also take pride in their work while spreading sunshine across our town. They take care of our community and I literally feel their vibes on the mornings that I see them, in turn giving me a spring in my step. Even if I am passing them while in my car, I hear them yelling warm wishes for a good day, a nice weekend, ‘and a how is your family’? On Monday, I walked out the door as they were grabbing our can and their smiles made me think of one word “pretty” and I felt it right down to my toes. Note: I was in workout clothes, no shower or makeup, by all accounts that is not what I would normally feel or think. I don’t mean that They looked at me as though I were pretty. It’s their energy that emanates from them that makes you feel lighter...pretty. An added bonus, they always put our cans to the side of our driveway after emptying in lieu of leaving in the street or on the sidewalk. 

  As I walked back in, I remembered how we would make small gifts and cookies as a thank you to your grandchildren’s teachers for each holiday and end-of-year gifts. Your granddaughter embraced this concept far and above that of your grandson- no surprise to you I am sure. Each year as a teacher was added to the list, the previous teachers remained on the list and continued to include the nurse, office workers, and the custodial staff. The list grew and grew and often she included her brother's teachers because he no longer wanted to bring in the gift. Upon entering High School, we shifted and spent the year(once a month) delivering 25-30 of our gifts with a note to the local Catholic food pantry. At this point, our gift consisted of old glass bottles and jars that we would decorate or paint and fill with a flower. In the warmer months with flowers from our garden and in the colder months locally purchased flowers completed with a small note. Our brief conversations with the Food Pantry patrons and their appreciation made me feel pretty...I hope we made them feel pretty too.

  A few days ago there was a shooting that occurred in Atlanta at three different small Spa businesses and 8 people were shot and killed. Six of the eight were women and five of the six were Asian. It was heartbreaking to hear and must be absolutely devastating for the victims' families, friends, and coworkers. I heard some staggering statistics about women killed annually at the hands of a male(domestically and globally). As a nation, we continue to struggle with acceptance for all of our communities with regard to gender, religion, culture, and politics.

  This is Women’s History Month and we continue to talk about the women who have marched and fought for equality in jobs, voting, as well as the progress that has been made breaking down barriers and opening the door for more women to enter all fields of life. That being said, we need to treat women of all ages and cultures more equally and respectfully daily regardless of their job/career status. We need to raise our children showing them respect and expecting them to respect all people regardless of their race, age, gender, or status in the community. We often deem a woman successful by the career they covet, the salary they receive, whether they are pretty, in shape, style, relationship, and with/without children. It’s exhausting. Enough. We need to be more kind, nice, show each other our ‘new pretty’.

  I was listening to a podcast and the discussion revolved around the changes and expectations that occurred between the 1960s and into the 1980s. During the ’80s began the opulence of material objects. More. More. More... and better. With all of the ‘stuff’ came the heightened response to the more stuff you can purchase, the more successful you have been in your career and life. It’s a slippery slope. We want the best for our children, but maybe I’ve lost sight of what best is? With Spring right around the corner, I am sensing another path and I am hopeful. In the meantime, we were craving some comfort and this time it is in the form of a delicious Artisanal Bread.

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“Where flowers bloom so does hope.”

Lady Bird Johnson

Former First Lady of the United States 


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